Polio eradication has been Rotary International's prime goal since the mid-1980s. Now, thanks to Rotary and its partnership with UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, polio is on its way to being only the second disease wiped off the face of the earth (the incidence of polio has been reduced by over 99% thanks to Rotary and its partners!).
Bishop Sunrise Rotary is committed to being part of Rotary International's Polio Eradication efforts. Our club and individual members have contributed thousands of dollars to END POLIO NOW.
In addition to our Club's efforts, every Rotarian is urged to make their own individual contribution to the Polio Plus fund of the Rotary Foundation. It's easy to donate on line at www.rotary.org, or talk to Tom Hardy, and he can help you out!